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Is there any discrimination regarding foreigners in Japan to work at company?

It is true that there are discriminatory minded people in Japan.
Hoever, it is assumed that there should be no discrimination in a company where workforce of foreigners is needed.
People in the company sometimes may feel worried because of foreigners' uncomprehension of procedure for employment and language barrier,
but you should understand their feelings and then show them that you have a right to work on equal terms in Japan.

How can I handle hardships at workplace?

It is general measure to ask for an advice to your immediate supervisor,
but there are cases that the problem is on the boss himself or it is difficult to talk from concerning privacy. You can talk to a counselor who always protect your privacy in the company if the company places one, or you can go to local government facility and get it introduced a consultation window on labor issues.

What are "hou, ren, sou"?

They are basic for new employees to remember and "hou" is for "houkoku" ("reporting"), "ren" is for "renraku" ("communication"), and "sou" is for "soudan" ("asking for an advice").
Your job is not for your own only. They will accept you as a member of the company after you master the "hou, ren, sou."

Are there cases that a company employs a foreigner as a contract employee?

A contract enployee makes an employment contract for a determined period instead of opend ended period as general staff do,
and it is not only for foreigners. This type of contract does not guarantee stable employment, but it may be convenient for you if you have plans such as returning to your country or changing job.
You sould check if the company has systems to re-employ a contract employee as a general staff acoording to job performance.

Can a foreign employee get promotion as Japanese do?

There are two categories of employee in Japan, which are general career track and main career track. If you are employed as a gengral career track staff, you are engaged in routine tasks or supportive tasks, and if you are employed as a main career track staff, you are engaged in tasks that is potentially promted to a management post in the future.
These categories are set originally to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, but you will possibly get promotion if you, as a foreigner, are employed as a main career track staff.                

Does any company have the same benefit package?

Benefit package is different from company to company. Generally, bigger company has better pachage. You are advised to gather information about the company's benefits while doing job hunting, which varies from benefits in the office such as company cafeteria, to welfare package for your family or company housing.
Any company are obliged to let its employees to take part in social insurance system.

Can I get support for learning Japanese?

It depends on companies. Some companies offer support for going to language schools or getting language certificates. So you are advised to gather information about the company's language support while doing job hunting.

Does my age matter?

Though Japanese fresh from college (age 22) is tend to be favored, you do not need to be nervous about your age because foreigners have gotten older when they apply for a job in Japan.
Age 27 can be a parting, and if you are up the age, you are expected to have more career and skills such as working abroad or languages. You can make an appeal of yourself which is different from Japanese students for getting a good job.

Can I make advantage of intership experience?

You can get a pre-employment experience working as interships.
You can feel real office atmosphere and learn about Japanese workplace outside of your school.
It helps you to decide your track after graduation and it is also possible that you are recommended for some job offer or simply employed to the company after interships.