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User Guide

About browsers and monitor sizes

Hiwork We recommend the following browsers.
Recommended browser
Internet Explorer6

Supported browser
Internet Explorer 5.0 or later
Netscape Navigator 6.0 or later
The monitor size is laid out on the basis of 800 x 600. Please also use Javascript in a state that you can use it.

In case of using other browsers or computers with a screen area of ​​less than 800 x 600, PDA, mobile phones, etc., there are cases where the design is lost or some functions can not be used successfully I will. Please be forewarned.

About use of cookie

  In order to use some services of Hiwork, you need to have "cookie enabled".

  If you are not set to enable cookies in your browser, Hiwork's functions can not be used correctly.

The method of confirming / changing the cookie setting of the browser is as follows. (For details, please check the help of the browser)
● Internet Explorer 6.0 (Win version)
On the Tools menu, click Internet Options, select the Privacy tab, and click Advanced Settings. Click [Overwrite automatic cookie processing] and select [Accept].
● Internet Explorer 5.0(Win version)
Click [Internet Options] on the [Tool] menu, select [Security], and press the [Customize Level] button. Please check other than [Disable cookie].
● Netscape 7.0(Win version)
From the [Edit] menu, click [Settings] and select [Scripts and Plugins] in Detail. Please check "Create or change cookie" "Read cookie".

About provision

  Intellectual property rights concerning the contents included in the service belong to b-cause Inc. Content provided is protected by copyright law, trademark law, design law, etc. Publishers and users shall not copy, publish, transmit, distribute, assign, lend, translate, adapt, license, reprint or re-use the contents except in the case of prior written consent received by b-cause Inc., I agree and in particular.
  We will regard you have agreed not to reproduce, disclose, broadcast, distribute, assign, rent, translate, adapt, license, reprint or reuse any information or contents provided from our service, without any written concent form from b-cause Inc. or our partner company.
  In addition, if the user violates this clause, it is necessary to copy, publish, transmit, distribute, assign, lend, translate, adapt the aggregate of the content, individual information (data), information (data) , b-cause Inc. reserves the right to injunction the use (use) of the license, license, reprint, and reusable items, as well as having the right to request b-cause Inc. The user must agree in advance.