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b-cause Inc.

Foundation Established as Tobiuo International by foreign volunteers experoenced studying in Japan on 1, August 1998.
Renamed to b-cause on 19, October 2001,
starts a full fledged operation.
Corporate name b-cause,.Inc.
Date of foundation 19, October 2001 (Established as Tobiuo International in August 1998)
Capital 20 million yen
Board member President: Kim Chungu
Director: Syouta Kouno
Director: Tetsuji Inoue
Auditor: Yasuhiro Matsumoto
Employee 9 members (6 Japanese, 1 Korean, 2 Chinese)
Permission of the Minister of Health  Specified Worker Dispatching Undertaking #13-315484
Permission of the Minister of Health Job Introducing operation #13-ュ-304048
Office 〒105-0013 The second Mori Building 4F, Hamamatsucho 2-1-3, Minato-ku, Tokyo
TEL 03-5733-4265 FAX 03-3433-3320  email adress: info@hiwork.jp
Business Hours Week days, from Monday to Friday: 9:00~19:00
(Closed on Saturday, Sunday, Summer Holiday(8/13~15), New Year Holiday(12/29~1/3))
Overseas Subsidiaries and office Korea Office 〒152-779 201-N10 Ace Techno Tower 3cha 38 29-gil Digital-ro Guro-gu Seoul Korea
TEL:+82-2-863-4263   FAX:+82-2-2109-6372   MAIL:info3@b-cause.kr
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