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Resume Writing Course   Standard resume writing course Standard work history writing course Standard job application etiquette job application etiquette


You can buy resume forms at any convenience store or supermarket. Choose a form suitable for the purpose and type of job you are applying for.

Submit your resume with a photo. There are instant ID photo booths around train stations you can utilize for this. Dress formally, face the camera, and make sure your mouth is closed.

Write clearly with a ball-point pen. Do not use a corrective pen! Write the first draft with a pencil or on a separate piece of paper.

Make sure the overall letter size is uniform and twice the size of the printed letters on the resume.

ふりがなの記入は「ふりがな」とあればひらがなで、「フリガナ」とあればカタカナで書きます 写真は3cm×4cmにきれいにカットして曲がらないようにのりづけ
Academic history is separated and written in order before work history.
When entering the year, it is normal to use the Japanese format for writing the year, but recently using the western calendar format has also become acceptable. Part-time work is not generally accepted as part of your work history, but go ahead and enter your part-time work experience.
Write your qualifications in chronological order from the top.  Be sure to include qualifications/licenses obtained in your own country as well in Japan in order to highlight your knowledge in related fields. Be sure to include qualifications even if they are not directly related to work. These will be materials that display or industriousness and ambitious attitude.
Closest station to your home
Call attention to your interests, experiences, and ambitions


Make sure all areas are complete and without typos, and lightly erase the pencil writing.

Leave a copy of your written resume. It will serve as reference when you make multiple submissions.