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Resume Writing Course  Standard resume writing course Standard work history writing course Standard job application etiquette job application etiquette


It is commonplace to create an A4-size version with a computer.

When writing by hand, there are also commercial resume forms. However, since there is no standardized format, compile your work history clearly and legibly.

Even if you have a lot of work experience, compress it down to two pages.

If you have limited work experience, focus on writing in your personal PR column.
Communicate what you have learned and how you would like to apply it to work.

Your desired work is written at the top ワープロで作成した場合でも
Job and career in chronological orderWrite a job description
If you have any other accomplishments write them here
If you have PC skills, write what types of work you are able to use them with.
Enter if you are capable of other languages other than Japanese.
Draw attention to abilities you can display and what you wish to do in a new workplace.
If your work experience is limited, write about your studies and your approach to work

Resume-writing methods and entry examples are introduced in Hello Work's homepage by occupation type. Please use them as a reference.

Hello Work Internet Service


Writing a work history (resume)
