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Home > Employment Support >Work Style > About Social Insurance

About Social Insurance

The social insurance system is an institution that provides insurance payments for registrants and their families in the event of sickness, injury, physical disorders, death, old age and unemployment through a social insurance foundation run by the country. Foreign residents living in Japan can also register. The insurance cost is covered by the company and person enrolled.
  • Workers can enroll in insurance through their company once they are regular employees.
  • Workers can enroll in insurance through their staffing agency once they are temporary staff.
However, the employment contract and employment period must exceed 2 months. There are several types social insurance systems including insurance and pension as shown below.

Healthcare Insurance

In this system the healthcare cost is partially covered when treatment has been received in Japan. The structure for spending is based on balancing the healthcare cost with the registrant's income. In Japan, everyone is enrolled in the public healthcare insurance system. In addition, people above the age of 40 are enrolled in nursing insurance.

Pension Insurance

The pension system covers healthcare costs in the event of old age, disorders, or death, and supports lifestyle stability.

Employment Insurance

Benefits are paid for workers who have lost their jobs and income in order to further their lifestyle stability until they are employed again.

Worker Compensation System

This system protects workers and their families in the event that the worker suffers injury, illness, or death during work or commuting.