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Terms and Conditions of Hiwork

After registering, the job details, contract details, company information that you referred to are confidential, so please do not leave it to third parties. Also, keep documents that contain confidential information strictly.
Article 1 (Hiwork Job Information)
"Hiwork job recruitment information" refers to a job offering-related service (http://staff.hiwork.jp/) on the Internet provided by b-cause Inc.
Article 2 (Members)
1."Hiwork job recruitment member" can receive services in Hiwork's recruitment information. "Membership" means those who have registered personal information (subject to the definition of "privacy policy") and other information in Hiwork's job information, and have approved this by b-cause Inc.. After such member registration and approval, the member shall be able to use the member service (hereinafter referred to as "member service") in the Hiwork job information. 2.Members shall be deemed to have accepted the terms of this agreement · privacy policy and handling of personal information at the time of registration.
Article 3 (Registration Procedures and Registration Examination)
1.Individuals who wish to become a member of "Hiwork's job information" will assume that they applied by clicking the "I agree" button on this page and registering and sending personal information. 2.b-cause Inc. will make a predetermined review of the application under the preceding paragraph. 3.If an individual who applied for registration decides that it is inappropriate as a member, b-cause Inc. may refuse the registration and the applicant will not raise objections on it.
Article 4 (Change of Membership Service etc.)
1.b-cause Inc. may change or temporarily suspend the services for members without prior notice to the members, and the member accepts this. 2.b-cause Inc. can suspend or terminate the provision of the whole membership service over the long term after notifying the members with a notice period of one month
Article 5 (Member's Responsibility)
1.The member shall use the job information of Hiwork according to the method notified at the time of registration. 2.Users of Hiwork's job information will only be registered as members of Hiwork's job information only by their own intention. 3.The information registered by the member shall be false information and the members themselves will be responsible for their contents. 4.Members can change, add or delete information registered by themselves at any time. 5.Members will use the job information of Hiwork by themselves and bear all responsibilities related to use
Article 6 (Non-disclosure of personal identification information)
1.b-cause Inc. is a third party (eg, a third party) of a recruiting company, etc. without approval of the member for the items (name, address, telephone number, mail address, work place) We will not disclose to. However, in the following cases, the obligation of b-cause Inc. is exempted (1)In the case where the member himself reveals personal information to a specific company using the function on the recruitment information of Hiwork or another means. (2)In the case that the principal has been identified for a long period of time by the registered contents other than the identity specifying information (3)In cases where it is necessary for a national agency or a local public entity or a person entrusted with the consultation to cooperate in fulfilling the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and obtaining agreement of the member himself / herself obstructs the execution of the affairs When there is a danger of exerting it. (4)In cases where the member himself explicitly asks for disclosure or offer to third parties. (5)When other reasonably judged that it is necessary for providing the service to the member himself / herself
Article 7 (Scope of Third Party)
A person receiving personal information provided in the following cases shall not fall under any third party. (1)In the case that b-cause Inc. entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of use (b-cause Inc. is responsible for the handling of personal information at the consignee.)
Article 8 (Prohibited matter of members)
The member shall not do the following acts on the job information of Hiwork. (1) Acts of registering false information (2) Acts that violate copyrights, portrait rights, and other intellectual property rights of other members or third parties (3) Acts infringing the property, privacy, etc. of other members or third parties (4) Acts of slandering or slandering other members or third parties (5) Any act that violates any law or act (6) Acts leading to criminal acts (7) Acts contrary to public order and morals (8) Acts of using information acquired through job recruitment information of Hiwork, beyond the scope of reproduction, sale, publication or other private use (9) Activities of information provision activities targeting commercial activities, for-profit, using Hiwork's job information (10) Any act that hinders the management of Hiwork's job information or damages the credibility of b-cause Inc., or an action that is likely to occur
Article 9 (Indemnity)
b-cause Inc. is not responsible for any damages arising from the registration and use of membership by Hiwork (any disadvantages including mental distress, interruption of business, or other financial loss).
Article 10 (Use of information provided by b-cause Inc.)
b-cause Inc. shall be able to secondarily use registration information other than personal identification information and usage status of Hiwork's recruitment information to be edited, issued or released by b-cause Inc. and other related company. The copyright in this case shall be owned by b-cause Inc.
Article 11 (Excuse)
b-cause Inc. may suspend or remove the provision of membership services without notice to members beforehand if b-cause Inc. determines that the member has violated these terms.
Article 12 (Cancellation of registered information)
1. Members can cancel registration of Hiwork's job information at any time by their own will. 2. Even if you are not willing to cancel your registration, registration may be automatically canceled if you do not access Hiwork's recruitment person's individual screen once for one year. 3. Entry history and scout history saved in the job information database of Hiwork may exceed the past one year may be deleted at the time of database maintenance of Hiwork's job information.
Article 13 (Change of these Terms)
b-cause Inc. shall be able to change these Terms from time to time. As for details of change, it is deemed that all members acknowledged at the time of displaying 1 month on Hiwork's job information.
Article 14 (Liability to third parties)
If a member causes damage to a third party due to the registration and use of Hiwork's job information, it is resolved at the members' responsibility and b-cause Inc. assumes no responsibility.
Article 15 (Compensation for Damages)
If the Member violates these Terms and gives damage to b-cause Inc., the Member shall bear the obligation to compensate any damage directly or indirectly to the b-cause Inc.
Article 16 (Competent Jurisdiction)
Regarding disputes relating to these Terms, the Tokyo District Court shall be the first examiner's exclusive jurisdiction court.
This agreement will be implemented from July 1, 2008.