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Job offer information for foreigners

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Others; single ,homeworker and etc.

Search job by work spot Job abroad
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Job around Chugoku and Shikoku areas

Job around Kyushu and Okinawa areas
Search job by work history Business management
Office management abroad
Translation and interpretation
Current worker
Temporary staff in Japan
Regular or contract staff in Japan
With no experience of work
Search job by type
of job
Business management administration, international, general, or trade
Translator, Interpreter, Proofreader, Language teacher
Sales rep., Planner, Marketing, Consultant
Finance, Accounting, General affairs, Human resources, Secretary
Editting, Creater, Web designer, DTP
Engineer of Electric, Electronics, Machinery, and others
Programmer, Systems engineer, Development test
CAD operator, Designer, Constractor, Architect
Salseperson, Fashon, Interior, Art, Travel, Literature
Politics, International cooperation, Promotion, Public relations, IR, Legal work
Investmsnt, Financial affairs, Bank, Real estate, Insurance administration
Education, Welfare, Medical, Chemistry, Agriculture, Environment