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Privacy Policy

  We regard the registrant's privacy as important responsibility to carefully protect registrant's personal information.
  In this website, we respect the laws concerning the protection of personal information and act on the handling of personal information with the following attitude.

Purpose of use of personal information

  When you provide personal information from the registrant, that information will be used for the following purposes.
1. For work related to the conclusion of a temporary contract, introduction contract or outsourcing agreement, as well as regulations such as subscribing to social insurance, notification of employment situation of foreigners etc
2. In the case of requesting an introductory dispatch, due to the conclusion of an introductory dispatch contract and the incidental work
3. In order to ensure employment opportunities according to your wishes and abilities, such as distribution of e-mails such as work information
4. In order to conduct appropriate management of health care (including health check results, etc.), employment management (including reporting to public offices according to laws and regulations) and safeguarding confidential information protection
5. For capacity development support and life support
6. Analysis of requests from everyone for the purpose of improving services, calculation of various statistical data and analysis of results

  If you use it for other purposes, please confirm it beforehand when clearly stating its purpose when providing personal information. We do not use personal information of registrants without permission in addition to these legitimate purposes

Collection of personal information

  In order to fulfill the contractual responsibilities with the registrant, to provide better products and services, and to deliver useful information, collect personal information to the extent necessary by a lawful and fair method.

Regarding provision of personal information

  Personal information will not be disclosed / provided to any third party unless it falls under any of the following.
(1) When there is consent of the registrant.
(2) In the case of disclosing in a state where the registrant individual can not be identified.
(3) When consigning handling to an external contractor for reasons such as facilitating business smoothly.
(In this case, we will select appropriate contractors with sufficient protection levels and implement appropriate management according to the obligation by contract etc.)
(4) When it is judged that it is appropriate that the contents of the inquiry will be answered from our affiliated company.
(5) When disclosure is requested by laws and regulations.

About deletion of personal information

  If there is an offer to cancel registration of personal information from the registrant himself / herself, Registration may be canceled or deleted if any of the following applies.
● When registering or hiring, when misrepresenting a career, a job function, a qualification, or when there is a false declaration about that matter
● When intentionally or serious negligence caused damage to a hiring business, employment place, employee related person, our company, or a third party
● When an employee, an employee related person, an act of giving a disadvantage to our company, or an act of damaging honor, trust

Disclosure / correction of personal information

  We will disclose all information except the information on evaluation to individuals based on the request when disclosure is requested about personal information that we keep. Furthermore, if the contents disclosed are incorrect, we will correct the information promptly.

Proper management of personal information

  Keep your personal information kept accurate and up to date within the necessary range. In addition, we are taking reasonable safety measures against risks related to personal information such as unauthorized access from the outside, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information.

Responsibility for personal information management

For inquiries please contact us.
b-cause Inc.
2-1-3 Hamamatsu-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
2nd Mori Building 4F
POST: 105-0013
Tel:+81-3-5733-4265 Fax:+81-3-3433-3320