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Temporary Staff and Regular Employees

Hiwork is mainly posted with job info for temporary staff and regular employees.

Temporary Staff

Temporary staff are contracted (Employment Contract) as employees to a staffing agency, but they do not work for the staffing agency. Rather, they work for the company they are dispatched to. This company pays the staffing agency for receiving the labor power, and the temporary staff is compensated by the staffing agency.

Regular Employee

Regular employment is a normal work pattern in which the assigned workplace and contract are linked to the same company.
You can also directly apply from standard job sites. We will assist you up to employment if through a human resources company, but only until a hiring decision is made.

Temp to Hire

You are employed as a temporary worker on a provisional basis based on the condition that you will become a full employee.
Hiwork will introduce you to a favorable company that you will be dispatched to, and also will provide detailed work support.

We coordinate companies in which you can make use of your career skills and introduce you to regular employment positions. If this is your first time, rest assured that we will support you with Japanese guidance prior to the interview.

How to Use Hiwork

Temporary staff have the benefit of picking work conditions such as working style and hours. However, the stability of long-term work and full benefits for regular employees are appealing.
Items Temporary Staff Regular Employee
Work Conditions Work details Have Preference Depends on company protocol
Work time Have Preference Depends on company rules
Work period Have Preference No decision
Overtime Have Preference There are also cases that are unrefusable
Pay for overtime Allowance Allowance (partial care)
Holidays Have Preference Depends on company rules
Payroll calculation Hourly Pay Monthly salary
Commuting expense None Yes
Benefits Bonus None Yes
Paid vacation Conditional Yes
Social insurance Conditional Yes
Other Employment stability Low Yes
Income stability Low Yes
Transfer/relocation None Yes
*The above information is a general indicator and can vary from case to case.
About Social Insurance