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VISA issurance procedure   |   About VISA   |   VISA status, Types of VISAs Q&A

VISA issurance procedure

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

〒100-8919 Kasumigaseki 2-2-1 Chiyodaku Tokyo Phone:03-3580-3311
Next to exit A4 or A8 of Kasumigaseki st., Tokyo Metro

Information about immigration and VISAs

Immigration Bureau of Japan, the Ministry of Justuce

Information center for foreigners in Japan

Sendai 〒983-0842 Gorin 1-3-20, Miyagino-ku, Shendai-shi, Miyagi-ken TEL 022-298-9014
Tokyo 〒108-8255 Konan5-5-30, Minato-ku, Tokyo TEL 03-5796-7112
Shinjuku 〒160-0021 Within Shinjuku TabunkaKyosei Plaza, Tokyo-to Kenko Center Haijia 11th fl., Kabuki-cho 2-44-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo TEL 03-3209-6177
Yokohama 〒231-0023 Yamashitacho 37-9, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken TEL 045-651-2851〜2
Nagoya 〒455-8601 Shohocho 5-18, Minato-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken TEL 052-559-2151〜2
Osaka 〒559-0034 Nankokita 1-29-53, Suminoe-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka TEL 06-4703-2150
Kobe 〒650-0024 Kaigandori 29, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken TEL 078-326-5141
Hiroshima 〒730-0012 Hachobori 6-30, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken TEL 082-502-6060
Fukuoka 〒812-0003 Within Domestic Terminal 3 Building, Fukuoka Airport,  Shimousui 778-1, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken TEL 092-626-5100

Counselor Stations

Sapporo 〒060-0042 Odorinish 12, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido TEL 011-261-9667
Takamatsu 〒760-0033 Marunouchi 1-1, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa-ken TEL 087-822-5852
Naha 〒900-0022 Higawa 1-15-15, Naha-shi, Okinawa-ken TEL 098-831-5497

Hot lines in the Tokyo Metropolitan area

Foreign Residents' Advisary Center of Burea of Citizens and Cultural Affairs, Tokyo

Hours: 9:30〜12:00 13:00〜17:00(except Sundays and holidays)
English: Monday to Friday 03-5320-7744
Chinese: Tuseday and Saturday 03-5320-7766
Korean: Wednesday 03-5320-7700
Tokyo metropolitan medical Institution Information Himawari
Introduction of medical institutes with foreign language service
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in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Spanish.


About VISA

There are many types of VISA, but you are permitted to work in Japan only with those below.

Investor, Business(3 years or 1 year) Details

This type of visa permits you to start business operations, to invest in businesses, or engage in business management in Japan.

Engineer(3 years or 1 year) Details

This type of visa permits you to pursue an employnment which requires skills and knowledge of science, engineering, or other nutural science divisions under a hiring agreement with a private or public institute in Japan. It is generally for university graduates of science department.

Specialist in Humanities, International Service (3 years or 1year) Details

This type of visa permits you to pursue an employnment which requires skills and knowledge of science of law, economy, sociology, or other areas of the humanities or is related to foreign cultures under a hiring agreement with a private or public institute in Japan. It is generally for university graduates of the humanities department.

Intracompany Transferee(3 years or 1 year) Details

This type of visa permits foreign employee of a institute of which afliate is in Japan to operate at the afliate in Japan for a given period if time.

Skilled Labor(3 years or 1 year) Details

This type of visa permits you to pursue an employnment which requires experience and skill of specific area in industories under a hiring agreement with a private or public institute in Japan. A qualified cook or a lapidary, for example, is nerally for university graduates of the humanities department.

Spouse and others(3 years or 1 year) Details

This type of visa is issued to a spouse of a permanent resident or special permanent resident, and a child of a permanent resident or special permanent resident, who is given berth in Japan and continues to stay in Japan.

Types of visa below do not permit you to work in Japan, but it is possible to work under the limitation that is within 28 hours per week, by getting Permit for Deviation of Status       

Student(2 years or 1 year) Details

This type of visa permits you to to get an education at university or equivalent institute, specialist coursework of advanced vocational school, institute offering pre-university education in Japan for students finishing 12-year school education abroad, or higher technical college in Japan.

Training(1 year or 6 months) Details

This type of visa permits you activities to learn skills and technoligies or knowledge with an admission to private or public institute in Japan.

Dependent(3 years, 2years, 1 year, 6months, or 3months) Details

This type of visa is issued to a spouse or child for daiy activities, who is dependent on a person with work-permitted visas above or with visas which pertmit to stay as a student or training.


VISA information | Professor VISA | Artist VISA | Religion VISA | Press VISA | Lawyer and Accountant VISA | Medical VISA | Research VISA | Education VISA | Performance VISA | Cultural Activities VISA | Short-time Stay VISA | Student VISA | Specific Activity VISA | Permanent Resident VISA | Spouse of Japanese National VISA |

Q&A Resident status, VISA


Can I work extra part-time job with work-permitted VISA?

No. Your visa only permits operations at the company you are hired. You will be punished working extra part-time outside of the company.

I left technical school before graduating and have worked for 2 years. Can I get a work permitted visa?

No. You need 5 years of working experience of related operation you are supposed to do at the company you will be employed if you are a highschool graduate and want a visa.
A technical school graduate are required to attach a copy of graduation certificate when applying visa. You are not qualifyed as a visa candidate neither with education and work experience histories.

I graduated from university in economy devision in my country. Can I work as an engineer of boradcasting in Japan?

It is very dufficult, because consistency of your major in university and perspective ocupation in Japan is important point in examining appliaction for a working visa.
You may be able to swich job in your favor after you once gain employment with your major related job.

I gained a Specialist in Humanities visa. Can I go back my country every now and again?

You are advised to get re-entry permit at the immigration office for sure before your departure during your stay. You can choose from multipul re-entry permit and single re-entry permit.
Your resident status and duration of stay will be canceled in case you leave Japan without re-entry permit.

How long does it take for an examination for my application for authorization of resident eligibility.

It takes at least 4 to 6 weeks other than variation of visa type or individual.